Every dollar invested in StepUp Wilmington generates $4 in a social return on investment.

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.

Ways to Give

  • Donate by Credit Card or PayPal

  • Donate Monthly

    Become a Monthly Sustainer

  • Donate by Venmo

  • Donate by CashApp


  • Donate by Check

    Mail to: 621 North 4th Street, Wilmington, NC 28401

  • Donate by EFT/ACH

    Please contact Ally Thornton at (910) 343-8469 to learn more.

  • Stock Gifts

    Many of our supporters choose to make an annual charitable donation through a stock gift and receive a significant tax benefit as well. As you conduct your annual portfolio review, please keep that in mind. There can be tax benefits and you’ll feel great knowing you are supporting individuals in the Cape Fear region looking for work. To make a stock gift, please contact Ally Thornton at (910) 343-8469 to learn more.

  • Match Gifts

    Double the impact of your donation through a employer’s matching gift. Contact your personnel office or human resource office to see if you can take advantage of such an opportunity.

  • Remember StepUp Wilmington in Your Estate

    Many people choose to leave a legacy gift to StepUp Wilmington so they can launch the careers of others with the legacy they leave behind. StepUp Wilmington would be honored to accept gifts from your will, life insurance policy, or retirement plans. If you would like to remember StepUp Wilmington by making such a gift or would like more information, please contact Ally at (910) 343-8469.

  • IRA Giving

    If you are over 70 1⁄2 years old, you are eligible to give a tax-free gift directly from your IRA. Please contact Ally Thornton at (910) 343-8469 to learn more.

Phoenix Employment Services of Wilmington, Inc. (DBA StepUp Wilmington) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions to StepUp Wilmington are fully tax deductible.

Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the NC Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section at 1-888-830-4989. This license is not an endorsement by the State of North Carolina.

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